What is Celestine And Where Can I find It?

Streak: White
Hardness: 3 – 3.5
Chemical Formula: SrSO4
Celestine or Celestite is a mineral consisting of stronitum sulfate. This mineral is known for it’s light blue color, although it can be found in other color variations. Celestine can be found in geodes and is most often found in crystal form, but also in compact and fibrous forms.
Celestine derives its name from the Latin word caelestis meaning celestial and is the name accepted by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA). Celestine is a member of baryte group of minerals which also includes Anglesite, Baryte, and Hashemite.
Celestine in Ohio
Northwestern Ohio produces crystals of this mineral in colors ranging from white to a beautiful blue. Celestine can be found in Crystal Cave on South Bass Island
Celestine in Pennsylvania
Celestine has also been mined in Pennsylvania at Bell’s Mill in Blair County.
Celestine Around the World
The blue Celestine that most people are familiar with comes from Northwestern Madagascar. Large crystals and geodes are frequently found there.