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Open Geodes With Me!
Opening a Trancas & Keokuk Geode on a Wet Tile Saw I cut open and reveal a two geodes on a 10″ Tile Saw! Cutting geodes on a saw can be an excellent way to open your treasure, but please be safe if you try this at home! Always wear appropriate protective gear, especially safety…

Returning to Avant FIsher Mountain – Quartz Mining in Arkansas
Disclaimer: While this post may sound like a lot of whining, I had a great time on Fisher Mountain and look forward to returning. Trip One – Mistakes Have Been Made This summer, I have visited the Avant Mining Fisher Mountain location twice. The first trip of the summer was intended to be a trip…

Digging for Quartz at Fisher Mountain
This past summer I decided to throw myself to the wolves and finally go dig for quartz in Arkansas. As an incredibly socially anxious person, the idea of going on my “first dig” was a bit scary. I loaded up my little Chevy HHR with a variety of tools, from a garden trowel to my…